Weh Island, is flanked by coral reefs and beautiful life. This island is a park that is often overlooked. Located at the westernmost island of the archipelago of Indonesia. Located at the entrance to the Strait of Malacca. Many yachts and cruise ships to visit and enjoy the scenery.
Beautiful beaches and unspoiled marine park is breathtaking, a magnet and haven for foreign and domestic tourists who like to dive. Experienced divers and dive instructors ready to offer a variety of dive sites such as Gapang Beach, Beach Rubiah, and Iboih Beach, famous for the beauty of the underwater park.
In Weh Island Marine Park there are many different types, shapes, and colors of hard coral and soft coral. These corals form reefs that attract clusters to be enjoyed, among other Lupas coral, coral deer, and rock chips. This park has the potential of marine natural attractions as diverse as the various types of reef fish, colorful coral reef formations are very beautiful and attractive. In addition, there are underwater caves.
If you have been to Weh Island Marine Park, you can perform a variety of nature activities, like surfing, boat ride, swimming, fishing, and diving to enjoy the natural beauty of the sea. You can see the diversity of coral reefs and reef fish are beautiful.
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